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Suffolk County

connect_errno) die("connect: no can do ".$etomite_db->connect_errno.": " . $etomite_db->connect_error); include "inc/search_dates.inc"; if ($county) $query="select trim(city) as ci, company, opentable, url, trim(ot_url) as ot_url, areacode, phone_first3, phone_last4, cuisine_std, pagename, enhance, add_enhanced, offerings from participation_form where stamp > '".$prev_end_date."' and county='".urldecode(trim($county))."' and trim(category)='' order by company"; /* and stamp < '".$next_end_date."' */ else return; // delete following line //return ""; $curr_city = ""; $folks = $etomite_db->query($query); $limit = $folks->num_rows; /* REGION Nassau */ if($limit>0) { $return .= "\n"; $return .= "\n\n\n\n"; $return .= "\n"; for ($y = 0; $y < $limit; $y++) { $tclass = "class='overline'"; $row=$folks->fetch_array(); /* if ($curr_city != $row["ci"]) { $return .= ""; $curr_city = $row["ci"]; } */ $formatted_phone = "(".$row["areacode"].") ".$row["phone_first3"]."-".$row["phone_last4"]; if ($row["url"]) $newurl = str_replace("http://","",$row["url"]); else $newurl = ""; $return .= "'; $return .= ''; $return .= ''; } $return .= "\n
"; if ($row["enhance"]=="Yes" || $row["add_enhanced"]=="1") $enhanced = 'class="bold"'; else $enhanced = ''; if ($newurl) { $return .= ''.$row["company"].'
'; } else { $return .= ''.$row["company"].'
'; } $return .= $formatted_phone.'
'; $return .= 'Prix fixe menus: '; $offerings = array(); if (strpos($row["offerings"],'24')) $offerings[] = '$24'; if (strpos($row["offerings"],'29')) $offerings[] = '$29'; if (strpos($row["offerings"],'39')) $offerings[] = '$39'; if (strpos($row["offerings"],'46')) $offerings[] = '$46'; $return .= implode(" / ", $offerings); $return .= '
'.$row["ci"]."".$row["cuisine_std"].''; if (strlen($row["ot_url"])>8) $return .= 'OpenTable'; else $return .= ''; /* else if ($row["opentable"]=="Yes") $return .= 'OpenTable'; */ if ($row["pagename"]) $return .= 'Menu'; else $return .= ''; $return .= '
\n"; } else { $return = '

Please check back for Long Island Restaurant Week participants.

'."\n"; } $etomite_db->close(); echo $return; ?>